Lisa Book Berentsen is the founder of the Quilter’s Thread mobile app. The mobile app was first available in 2013, the web version went live the following year. With a degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lisa worked for more than 20 years in business to business marketing and technology. Quilter’s Thread is the natural culmination of this work experience and Lisa’s passion for quilt-making and teaching.
Quilter’s Thread is all about education, resources, and especially connecting quilters to each other. Quilter’s can log on free on the web ( or by downloading the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Lisa began making and designing quilts in the 1980’s, becoming a published designer and instructor in the 1990’s. She has led workshops, committees and retreats for many guilds, colleges and organizations over the years. Lisa has a broad spectrum of quilting skills from concept to completion – constantly learning through making, and sharing through teaching.
“For centuries, quilt-making has been a community activity. And quilt-makers are generous in sharing their knowledge. The internet has increased our access to quilting information on a very global basis, but often stymies the personal contact that has been the tradition of quilt making. Quilter’s Thread mobile app uses technology to reconnect quilters with quilters and quilting resources,” Lisa said. “I look forward to connecting with your quilters.”
Lisa is available to travel domestically, as well as internationally, to teach at quilt guilds, quilt shops and shows.
In addition to her live engagements, Lisa is currently working on a series of patterns for Quilter’s Thread. The BYOC Patterns (Bring Your Own Color) are written to grow color confidence in quilters of any level. “These patterns build an understanding of color and color-placement so your quilts will turn out as you envision them,” said Lisa. You can find Quilter’s Thread patterns (those free and those for purchase) by logging on to Quilter’s Thread on the web or your mobile device.
Lisa shares a creative and chaotic life in Wisconsin with her husband, children and grandchildren.
To talk to Quilter’s Thread, please use the app or contact the company at any of the following email addresses:
For General Questions:
For Vendor Information/Questions:
For Comments/Requests for Resource Department:
For Comments/Contributions to Show and Tell:
For Technical Questions:
To Contact Lisa Berentsen Directly: